Gender Pay Gap Report

Gender Pay Gap Report Just Ask Estate Services 2021/2022


Snapshot date 31st March 2022

At Just Ask Estate Services we are committed to creating a diverse and gender balanced workforce, ensuring everyone, regardless of their background, race, ethnicity or gender, has an equal opportunity to succeed. We believe in creating job opportunities for both men and women at all levels within our organization and are constantly striving to improve and become more inclusive.

The information required to be published is:-

Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay

Median gender pay gap in hourly pay

Mean gender bonus pay gap

Median gender bonus pay gap

Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment

Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile

GENDER PAY GAP IN HOURLY PAY full-pay relevant EEs
2.63% 7.83%
19.54% 11.61%
2.49% 46.90%


At Just Ask Estate Services we are confident that our gender pay gap does not stem from paying men and women differently for the same or equivalent work. Rather our gender pay gap is the result of the roles in which men and women work within the organisation and the salaries that these roles attract.

We are pleased to report that our gender bonus gap has reduced by over 75% year on year.

We believe our mean gender pay gap of 2.63% is a reflection of our ongoing efforts and initiatives to promote gender equlity. Whilst our mean gender pay gap as increased slightly (although still lower than previous years), we are pleased to report that our median gender pay gap has been reduced to 7.83% from 8.5% last year.

When the figures are further broken down, it is clear that this gap is most pronounced in the upper quartile and this position is relatively static on last year. The gap in the upper middle quartile has reduced significantly year on year.  Meanwhile the lower middle quartile gap has increased slightly and the lower quartile has removed even closer to a 50/50 split.

We believe our promotion of flexible working options and our focus on robust succssion planning have been instrumental in reducing the disparity in the upper middle quartile. We continue to celebrateer employee voice through a staff forum so that we understand in a timely way the key issues for our staff. This will provide us with ongoing feedback and data which we can use towards improving the gender pay gap. We will seek to reduce the gap by focusing on the following areas:

  • Recruitment (broadening our selection pool and enhancing our reporting metrics capability
  • Ensuring pay and reward structures are underpinned by job evaluation and are clearly defined.

As demonstrated above, Just Ask Estate Services is committed to reporting on an annual basis on what we are doing to reduce the gender pay gap and the progress that we are making.  We are dedicated to making Just Ask Estate Services a company in which all individuals are treated with respect, and diversity is celebrated.


Gender Pay Gap Report PTCS 2021/2022


Snapshot date 31st March 2022

At Personal Touch Cleaning Services Ltd we are committed to creating a diverse and gender balanced workforce, ensuring everyone, regardless of their background, race, ethnicity or gender, has an equal opportunity to succeed. We believe in creating job opportunities for both men and women at all levels within our organization and are constantly striving to improve and become more inclusive.

The information required to be published is:-

Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay

Median gender pay gap in hourly pay

Mean gender bonus pay gap

Median gender bonus pay gap

Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment

Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile


GENDER PAY GAP IN HOURLY PAY full-pay relevant EEs
0.17 0.03
0 0
0 0


At PTCS we are confident that our gender pay gap does not stem from paying men and women differently for the same or equivalent work. We are proud to report that this is reflected in the continued reduction of the mean and median pay gaps. Both gaps have reduce to less than half a percentage point as we continue to promote gender equality.

No bonuses were issued and therefore there was no disparity to report which is the same as the previous year.

When the figures are further broken down, the ratio of male to female colleagues remains relatively constant across every quartile which shows that our workforce is notably female dominated and this is reflective of the industry in which we operate.

Our efforts in promoting flexible working patterns and introducing robust succession planning are now coming to fruition as the gap in the upper quartile has reduced by 20%.

We will seek to maintain the low gap by focusing on the following areas:

  • Recruitment (broadening our selection pool and enhancing our reporting metrics capability
  • Ensuring pay and reward structures are underpinned by job evaluation and are clearly defined.

As demonstrated above, PTCS is committed to reporting on an annual basis on what we are doing to reduce the gender pay gap and the progress that we are making.  We are dedicated to making PTCS a company in which all individuals are treated with respect, and diversity is celebrated.


Gender Pay Gap Report Optim 2021/2022


Snapshot Date 05th April 2022

At Optim Contract Services Ltd we are committed to creating a diverse and gender balanced workforce, ensuring everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity or gender has an equal opportunity to succeed. We believe in creating job opportunities for both men and women at all levels within our organisation and are constantly striving to improve and become more inclusive.

The information required to be published is: –

Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay

Median gender pay gap in hourly pay

Mean bonus gender pay gap

Median bonus gender pay gap

Proportion of males and females receiving bonus payments

Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile


GENDER PAY GAP IN HOURLY PAY full-pay relevant EEs
3.51 3.36
2.36 1.42
13.4 10.7


The mean and median gender pay gaps have both slightly increased year on year although it is worth mentioning that the previous report was caveated by the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic which may have made data misrepresentative. We are pleased to report however that the gap remains low.

A higher percentage of females and lower percentage of males received a bonus payment compared to last year which has reduced the disparity to less than 0.5 percent. Of these, the mean bonus pay gap is also significantly reduced by over 20% which is a reflection on our continued drive for pay equality.

When the figures are further broken down, the ratio of male to female colleagues remains relatively constant across every quartile which shows that our workforce is notably female dominated and this is reflective of the industry in which we operate. We do note that the number of females in the lower quartile has jumped a little but this is negated by an increase in the number of females in the upper quartile this year.  We will seek to continue focusing on the following areas:

  • Recruitment (broadening our selection pool and reviewing our process for any unconscious bias)
  • Ensuring pay and reward structures are underpinned by job evaluation and are clearly defined.

As demonstrated above, Optim Contract Services is committed to reporting on an annual basis on what we are doing to reduce the gender pay gap and the progress that we are making. We are dedicated to making Optim Contract Services a company in which all individuals are treated with respect and diversity is celebrated.


Gender Pay Gap Report BBCS 2021/2022


Snapshot Date 05th April 2022

At Busy Bee Cleaning Services Ltd we are committed to creating a diverse and gender balanced workforce, ensuring everyone, regardless of their race, ethnicity or gender has an equal opportunity to succeed. We believe in creating job opportunities for both men and women at all levels within our organisation and are constantly striving to improve and become more inclusive.

The information required to be published is: –

Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay

Median gender pay gap in hourly pay

Mean bonus gender pay gap

Median bonus gender pay gap

Proportion of males and females receiving bonus payments

Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile


GENDER PAY GAP IN HOURLY PAY full-pay relevant EEs
8.14 1.41
0.76 1.85
27.7 81.3


The mean and median gender pay gaps have both increased year on year after several years of reduction although it is worth mentioning that the previous report was caveated by the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic which may have made data misrepresentative.

A smaller percentage of males and females received a bonus payment although the percentages remain almost equal. We are very pleased to report that the mean bonus pay gap has reduced by over 50% which is a reflection on our continued drive for pay equality.

Our median pay gap has remained stable although our mean pay gap has increased by 6.5% to 8.14%. Overall we consider our pay gap to be satisfactory and we will continue to promote inclusivity to that end.

When the figures are further broken down, the ratio of male to female colleagues remains relatively constant across every quartile which shows that our workforce is notably female dominated and this is reflective of the industry in which we operate. We will seek to continue this positive trend by focusing on the following areas:

  • Recruitment (broadening our selection pool and reviewing our process for any unconscious bias)
  • Ensuring pay and reward structures are underpinned by job evaluation and are clearly defined.

As demonstrated above, Busy Bee Cleaning Services is committed to reporting on an annual basis on what we are doing to reduce the gender pay gap and the progress that we are making. We are dedicated to making Busy Bees Cleaning Services a company in which all individuals are treated with respect and diversity is celebrated.


I confirm that the information in this statement is accurate.


Sarah Green

Group HR Director